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- Please, insert in the box any allergies and/or intolerances to guarantee a better experience at our restaurant . .
- If you want to book a table for 5 or more people, contact the restaurant by phone.
- To reserve the table in the cellar or the "Chef's Table" there is an additional cost of €50 per diner.
- For confirmation, the number and expiration date of the verifiable credit card as guarantee is required verificabile a garanzia.
- A charge will ONLY be made if you do not show up (no show) or if we receive a last minute cancellation (late cancellation), in these cases €50 per person will be charged. SOLO nel caso in cui non Vi presentiate (no show) o se riceviamo una disdetta all’ultimo minuto (late cancellation), in questi casi verrà addebitato 50€ per persona.
- You will have time to cancel or modify your reservation within 24 hours of the date you requested. entro 24 ore dalla data da Voi richiesta.
- Rechargeable cards and debit or prepaid cards are not accepted. ricaricabili e carte di debito o prepagate.
from Tuesday to Sunday
Dinner from 19.30 to 23.30
from Wednesday to Sunday
Lunch dalle 12.30 alle 14.00